Contact details
Sig. Simone Franconi
Case Sparse 40,
Loc. Montefioralle
I-50022 Greve in Chianti (FI), Italy
Tel +39 055 85 44 330
Cell +39 338 32 82 137
How to get to Casa Forese
Montefioralle can be reached from Florence, Siena, Figline (when coming by autostrada from Rome) and from the Florence-Siena autostrada exit at Sambuca passing Badia a Passignano on the way.
From Florence or the A1 superstrada exit Firenze Impruneta, take the highway 222 through Strada towards Greve. On the outskirts of Greve, just before the Agip petrol station, take the turn to the right to Montefioralle. At Montefioralle, take the road with the double traffic light downhill to Casa Forese (300 m).
GPS coordinates: 43.580566, 11.301421
It is possible to reach Greve by comfortable SITA buses from Florence and then to take a taxi or walk to Casa Forese. The upward climb is fairly stiff but going down to Greve is an easy and very pleasant stroll.